heterogeneity [,hɛtərədʒə'niəti]  


heterogeneity  [,hɛtərədʒə'niəti]

n. [生物] 异质性;[化学] 不均匀性;[化学] 多相性 


In addition, it introduces support for knowledge search and offers unification layers to hide the heterogeneity of data, technology and metadata. 此外,它引入了对知识搜索的支持,并提供统一的层,从而隐藏数据的异质性、技术和元数据。
Where there are competing powers, as in a capitalist economy, there is more chance of heterogeneity than when there is a single regulator with power over all the competitors. 在存在相互竞争势力的地方,例如在资本主义市场下,出现异质性的机会要大于只有单一的监管机构,其势力凌驾于所有竞争者之上的情况。

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  • n. [生物] 异质性;[化学] 不均匀性;[化学] 多相性
  • 1. In addition, it introduces support for knowledge search and offers unification layers to hide the heterogeneity of data, technology and metadata.


  • 2. Where there are competing powers, as in a capitalist economy, there is more chance of heterogeneity than when there is a single regulator with power over all the competitors.


  • 3. The fact that there is such heterogeneity in the Asian world suggests that individual country factors predominate over factors that distinguish Asia as a whole from the other continents.


  • heterogeneity (n.) 1640s, from heterogeneous + -ity, or else from Medieval Latin heterogeneitas, from heterogeneus.
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