heroics [hə'roɪks]  


heroics  [hə'roɪks]

n. 英雄事迹;夸张的言行 


He said his advice was: "No heroics, stay within the law." 他说他的意见是:“不要有逞能行为,要依法办事。”
We don't need any heroics . 我们不需要个人英雄主义。

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  • n. 英雄事迹;夸张的言行
  • 1. He said his advice was: "No heroics, stay within the law."


  • 2. We don't need any heroics .


  • heroics (n.) 1590s, "heroic verse" (see heroic). Meaning "deeds worthy of a hero" attested by 1831.
hero·ics / həˈrəʊɪks ; NAmE həˈroʊɪks / noun [plural ] 1 ( disapproving) talk or behaviour that is too brave or dramatic for a particular situation 哗众取宠的言语(或行为) Remember, no heroics, we just go in there and do our job. 记住,不要大肆宣扬,我们只要到那儿去干我们的活儿就行了。 2 actions that are brave and determined 勇敢果断的行为 Thanks to Bateman's heroics in the second half, the team won 2–0. 由于贝特曼在下半场的英勇表现,球队以 2:0 获胜。 hero·ics / həˈrəʊɪks ; NAmE həˈroʊɪks /
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