herder ['hɝdɚ]  


herder  ['hɝdɚ]

n. 牧人;(美俚)监狱看守 


Achala, a herder, marks himself as Rabari with his turban and white garments. 牧人阿切拉的包头巾和白色衣衫让他看上去像典型的拉巴尼人。
The herder tied the struggling young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile. 牧人把这头奋力挣扎的幼鹿绑在了雪橇上并把雪橇栓在了他的雪地机动车上。

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  • n. 牧人;(美俚)监狱看守
  • 1. Achala, a herder, marks himself as Rabari with his turban and white garments.


  • 2. The herder tied the struggling young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile.


  • 3. "The reindeer are becoming unhappy," said Issat Eira, a31-year-old reindeer herder.

    驯鹿变得情绪低落了。 “31岁的牧人伊萨特·艾伊拉说。

herd·er / ; NAmE / noun a person whose job is to take care of a group of animals such as sheep and cows in the countryside 放牧人;牧工 herder herders herd·er / ; NAmE /
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