hemispheric [,hɛmə'sfɛrɪk]  


hemispheric  [,hɛmə'sfɛrɪk]

adj. 半球的,半球形状的 

Obama at first saw in Lula, whom he once amiably called "my man," a useful hemispheric interlocutor. 奥巴马首先顺便拜访了卢拉,他亲切地称之为“拉丁爵士”,一位合作的半球对话者。
The dredge has several hemispheric scoops in place of the toothed bar. 这种捞网用几个半球状的铲子代替了锯齿横杆。

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  • adj. 半球的,半球形状的
  • 1. Obama at first saw in Lula, whom he once amiably called "my man," a useful hemispheric interlocutor.


  • 2. The dredge has several hemispheric scoops in place of the toothed bar.


  • 3. The last hemispheric gathering, in Argentina in 2005, was marred by riots and fierce demonstrations against then-U.S. President George W. Bush.


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