helicopter gunship  

helicopter gunship

helicopter gunship 

phrase. [航][军] 武装直升飞机 

This effectively gave it a strike capability similar to that of an Apache helicopter gunship. 这使得它有媲美阿帕奇武装直升机的打击能力。
But there was no bomb crater, indicating the strike may have been carried out by a helicopter gunship, or that it had been strafed by a fighter jet. 但那里没有弹坑,说明可能是直升机火力造成的,也有可能是被战斗机低空扫射造成的。

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  • phrase. [航][军] 武装直升飞机
  • 1. This effectively gave it a strike capability similar to that of an Apache helicopter gunship.


  • 2. But there was no bomb crater, indicating the strike may have been carried out by a helicopter gunship, or that it had been strafed by a fighter jet.


  • 3. Witnesses in Merka, south of Mogadishu, say a helicopter gunship fired on a building where commanders of the militant group al-Shabab may have been meeting.


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