heirloom 英 [ˈeəlu:m]   美 [ˈerlum]


heirloom  英 [ˈeəlu:m] 美 [ˈerlum]

n. 传家宝;祖传遗物 


I can preserve his inspiring legacy more powerfully through writing than through the hummingbird pendant I wear around my neck to honor his homeland of Trinidad, or a picture or heirloom. 比起我脖子上佩戴的那个纪念他的故乡特立尼达的蜂鸟链坠,或者一张照片,一个传家宝,写作可以让我更得宜有力地继承他那些激动人心的遗产。
This argument worked; the doe’s second execution was stayed by its status as an heirloom. 这番话起了作用。 于是,这只鹿作为一样传家宝就得到了第二次安置。

  • An heirloom is something passed down in a family for generations. Your grandma's prized necklace could be an heirloom.
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  • n. 传家宝;祖传遗物
  • 1. I can preserve his inspiring legacy more powerfully through writing than through the hummingbird pendant I wear around my neck to honor his homeland of Trinidad, or a picture or heirloom.


  • 2. This argument worked; the doe’s second execution was stayed by its status as an heirloom.

    这番话起了作用。 于是,这只鹿作为一样传家宝就得到了第二次安置。

  • 3. But the movement to preserve heirloom varieties goes way beyond America's renewed romance with tasty, locally grown food and countless varieties of tomatoes.


  • heirloom (n.) early 15c., ayre lome, a hybrid from heir + loom (n.) in its original but now otherwise obsolete sense of "implement, tool," extended to mean "article." Technically, some piece of property that by will or custom passes down with the real estate. General sense of "anything handed down from generation to generation" is from 1610s.
heir·loom / ˈeəluːm ; NAmE ˈerluːm / noun , adjective heirloom heirlooms noun a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for many years 传家宝;世代相传之物 a family heirloom 传家宝 HELP  Use an,not a,before heirloom. *heirloom 之前用 an,不用 a。 adjective [only before noun ] ( NAmE) heirloomplants are varieties which were commonly grown in the past but are no longer grown as commercial crops 稀罕的,稀有的(通常指过去大量种植,但再不作为经济作物而种植的植物) heir·loom / ˈeəluːm ; NAmE ˈerluːm /
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