heir apparent 英 [ɛə əˈpærənt]   美 [ɛr əˈpærənt]

heir apparent

heir apparent  英 [ɛə əˈpærənt] 美 [ɛr əˈpærənt]

phrase. 法定继承人,有确定继承权的人 

名词复数:heir apparents 

As the party’s heir apparent to Adlai Stevenson’s legacy of intellectual liberalism, McCarthy could be maddening, even disingenuous, in his efforts to appear almost saintly in his lack of ambition. 在党内,他显然继承了阿德莱.史蒂文森遗留下来的理智自由主义,因此要他摆出一副毫无野心的圣人模样,则可能会让人受不了,甚至让人感觉不诚实。
North Korea brandishes threats as UN debates Cheonan sinking North Korea: What does Kim Jong-il's heir apparent look like? 正当联合国在讨论天安号沉没事件时,朝鲜挥舞着威胁大棒:金正日的法定继承人是什么样子的呢?

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  • phrase. 法定继承人,有确定继承权的人
  • 1. As the party’s heir apparent to Adlai Stevenson’s legacy of intellectual liberalism, McCarthy could be maddening, even disingenuous, in his efforts to appear almost saintly in his lack of ambition.


  • 2. North Korea brandishes threats as UN debates Cheonan sinking North Korea: What does Kim Jong-il's heir apparent look like?


  • 3. Curiously, when Kim Jong-il took the train to China a few weeks ago, his heir apparent did not travel with him.


ˌheir apˈparent / ; NAmE / noun ( plural heirs apparent ) heir apparent(to sth) 1 an heirwhose legal right to receive sb's property, money or title cannot be taken away because it is impossible for sb with a stronger claim to be born 当然继承人;法定继承人 2 a person who is expected to take the job of sb when that person leaves (职位的)确定接替者;确定接班者 heir apparent heirs apparent ˌheir apˈparent / ; NAmE /
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