heckler ['hɛklɚ]  


heckler  ['hɛklɚ]

n. 激烈质问者 


Dealing with the occasional obnoxious heckler is inevitable when you run outside, especially for female runners. 在户外跑的时候偶尔遇到这种讨厌的冷嘲热讽的人是不可避免的,尤其是女性跑者。
The heckler, who has not been identified, said he had been "ashamed to be an Australian for that entire time" of Mr Howard's 11 years in office and told Mr Howard to "go home". 该名未确认身份的抗议者表示,在霍华德先生当政的11年里,他“曾为自己是一个澳大利亚人而感到惭愧”,此人还对霍华德先生说,“回家去吧”。

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  • n. 激烈质问者
  • 1. Dealing with the occasional obnoxious heckler is inevitable when you run outside, especially for female runners.


  • 2. The heckler, who has not been identified, said he had been "ashamed to be an Australian for that entire time" of Mr Howard's 11 years in office and told Mr Howard to "go home".


  • 3. When comic Michael Richards was unnerved by an African American heckler at a comedy club several years ago, he responded with a racial-slur-laced tirade.


  • heckler (n.) mid-15c., "one who uses a heckle" (late 13c., as a surname, Will. le Hekelere), agent noun from heckle (v.). Sense of "audience member that taunts a public speaker" is from 1885. Fem. form hekelstere is attested from c. 1500.
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