heart 英 [hɑ:t]   美 [hɑrt]


heart  英 [hɑ:t] 美 [hɑrt]

n. 心脏;核心 


The patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds. 病人的心跳停顿了几秒钟。
heart trouble, heart failure 心脏病;心力衰竭

  • As the heart is the central organ of the human body, so the word heart has come to mean a central location of an organization or system, as well as being used to describe courage and generosity.
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  • n. 心脏;核心
  • 1. The patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds.


  • 2. heart trouble, heart failure


  • 3. to have a weak heart


  • 4. She clasped the photo to her heart.


  • 5. She has a kind heart.


  • 6. Have you no heart?


  • 7. He returned with a heavy heart.


  • 8. cold-hearted


  • 9. kind-hearted


  • 10. the heart of the matter, the heart of the problem


  • 11. at the heart of all questions


  • 12. a quiet hotel in the very heart of the city


  • heart (n.) Old English heorte "heart (hollow muscular organ that circulates blood); breast, soul, spirit, will, desire; courage; mind, intellect," from Proto-Germanic *herton- (source also of Old Saxon herta, Old Frisian herte, Old Norse hjarta, Dutch hart, Old High German herza, German Herz, Gothic hairto), from PIE root *kerd- "heart."
  • heart (v.) Old English hiertan "give heart to," from heart (n.). Shakespeare used it as "take to heart" (c. 1600); 1866 of cabbages, "to form a heart." Meaning "to love" is by 1993, from the popular New York state tourism campaign that used the heart symbol in place of the word "love."
heart / hɑːt ; NAmE hɑːrt / noun part of body 身体部位 1 [countable ] the organ in the chest that sends blood around the body, usually on the left in humans 心;心脏 The patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds. 病人的心跳停顿了几秒钟。 heart trouble/failure 心脏病;心力衰竭 to have a weak heart 心脏不好 I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (= because of excitement, etc.). 我能感觉到我的心在胸腔里怦怦直跳。 see also coronary (heart) disease at coronary , open-heart surgery 2 [countable ] ( literary) the outside part of the chest where the heartis 胸部心脏的部位 She clasped the photo to her heart. 她把相片紧紧地抱在怀里。 feelings/emotions 感情;心情 3 [countable ] the place in a person where the feelings and emotions are thought to be, especially those connected with love 内心;心肠;(尤指)爱心 She has a kind heart. 她有一颗善良的心。 Have you no heart? 你没有一点同情心吗? He returned with a heavy heart (= sad). 他心情沉重地回来了。 Her novels tend to deal with affairs of the heart. 她的小说往往是有关爱情故事的。 The story captured the hearts and mindsof a generation. 这部小说准确地传达了一代人的感情和思想。 see also broken heart -hearted 有…心 4 ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having the type of character or personality mentioned 有…性格(或品格)的 cold-hearted 冷酷无情的 kind-hearted 好心肠的 important part 重要部份 5 [singular ] heart(of sth) the most important part of sth 重点;核心;要点 the heart of the matter/problem 事情╱问题的核心 The committee's report went to the heart ofthe government's dilemma. 委员会的报告直指政府两难困境的要害。 The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart ofall questions of morality. 是非界限是所有道德问题的核心。 centre 中心 6 [countable ,  usually singular ] heart(of sth) the part that is in the centre of sth 中心;中央 a quiet hotel in the very heart ofthe city 一家位于市中心的安静的旅馆 of cabbage 卷心菜 7 [countable ] the smaller leaves in the middle of a cabbage, lettuce,etc. 菜心 shape 形状 8 [countable ] a thing shaped like a heart,often red and used as a symbol of love; a symbol shaped like a heartused to mean the verb ‘love’ 心形物;(常指象征爱的)红心;心形(表示动词“爱”) The words ‘I love you’ were written inside a big red heart. “我爱你”这几个字写在一个大红心里。 ( informal) I ♥ New York. 我爱纽约。 in card games 纸牌游戏 9 hearts [plural ,  uncountable ] one of the four sets of cards (called suits ) in a pack/deckof cards, with red heart symbols on them (统称)红桃牌,红心牌 the queen of hearts 红桃王后 Hearts is/are trumps. 红桃是主。 10 [countable ] one card from the set of hearts (一张)红桃牌,红心牌 Who played that heart? 谁打出那张红桃? IDIOMS at ˈheart used to say what sb is really like even though they may seem to be sth different 内心里;本质上 He's still a socialist at heart. 他本质上还是个社会主义者。 break sb's ˈheart to make sb feel very unhappy 使某人很难过;使心碎 She broke his heart when she called off the engagement. 她取消婚约使他为之心碎。 It breaks my heart to see you like this. 看到你这个样子我很难过。 by ˈheart ( BrE also off by ˈheart ) using only your memory 单凭记忆;能背诵 I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart. 这个号码我拨了很多次,都记住了。 She's learnt the whole speech off by heart. 她把整篇讲话都背熟了。 close/dear/near to sb's ˈheart having a lot of importance and interest for sb 为某人所重视关心;为某人所爱 from the (bottom of your) ˈheart in a way that is sincere 真诚地;从内心(深处) I beg you, from the bottom of my heart, to spare his life. 我诚心诚意地恳求你饶他一命吧。 It was clearly an offer that came from the heart. 那很明显是由衷的提议。 give sb (fresh) ˈheart to make sb feel positive, especially when they thought that they had no chance of achieving sth 激励某人;使某人振作 give your ˈheart to sb to give your love to one person 爱上某人;倾心 have a ˈheart! ( informal) used to ask sb to be kind and/or reasonable 发发善心吧;讲点情理吧 have a heart of ˈgold to be a very kind person 有金子般的心;心肠很好 have a heart of ˈstone to be a person who does not show others sympathy or pity 铁石心肠;冷酷无情 heart and ˈsoul with a lot of energy and enthusiasm 满腔热忱干劲十足;全心全意 They threw themselves heart and soul into the project. 他们全心全意地投入了这个项目。 your heart goes ˈout to sb used to say that you feel a lot of sympathy for sb 十分同情;怜悯 Our hearts go out to the families of the victims. 我们很同情那些受害者的家人。 sb's heart is in their ˈmouth somebody feels nervous or frightened about sth 提心吊胆;心慌意乱 sb's heart is in the right ˈplace used to say that sb's intentions are kind and sincere even though they sometimes do the wrong thing 本意是好的;心眼是好的 your ˈheart is not in sth used to say that you are not very interested in or enthusiastic about sth 对某事不很感兴趣(或不热衷) sb's heart ˈleaps used to say that sb has a sudden feeling of happiness or excitement 心花怒放 sb's heart misses a ˈbeat used to say that sb has a sudden feeling of fear, excitement, etc. (表示突然感到恐惧、兴奋等)心里咯噔一下 sb's heart ˈsinks used to say that sb suddenly feels sad or depressed about sth (表示突然感到悲伤或沮丧)心里一沉 My heart sank when I saw how much work there was left. 我看到还有那么多活没干时,心顿时沉了下去。 She watched him go with a sinking heart. 她心情沉重地看着他走了。 in good ˈheart ( BrE) happy and cheerful 心情舒畅;兴高采烈 in your ˈheart (of ˈhearts) if you know sth in your heart,you have a strong feeling that it is true 在内心深处;内心强烈地感觉到 She knew in her heart of hearts that she was making the wrong decision. 她心底里明白她在做出错误的决定。 it does sb's ˈheart good (to do sth) it makes sb feel happy when they see or hear sth (看到或听到某事时)使人感到高兴,使人心旷神怡 It does my heart good to see the old place being taken care of so well. 看到故居被照管得这么好,真叫人高兴。 let your ˌheart rule your ˈhead to act according to what you feel rather than to what you think is sensible 感情用事 lose ˈheart to stop hoping for sth or trying to do sth because you no longer feel confident 丧失信心;泄气 lose your ˈheart (to sb/sth) ( formal) to fall in love with sb/sth 爱上(某人或某事物) a man/woman after your own ˈheart a man/woman who likes the same things or has the same opinions as you 趣味相投者;情投意合者 my heart ˈbleeds (for sb) ( ironic) used to say that you do not feel sympathy or pity for sb (表示不同情或怜悯)真可怜 ‘I have to go to Brazil on business.’ ‘My heart bleeds for you!’ “我要出差去巴西。”“真够可怜的!” not have the ˈheart (to do sth) to be unable to do sth because you know that it will make sb sad or upset 不忍心(做某事) off by ˈheart ( BrE) = by heart pour out/open your ˈheart to sb to tell sb all your problems, feelings, etc. 向某人敞开心扉;倾诉衷肠 set your ˈheart on sth | have your heart ˈset on sth to want sth very much 渴望;一心想要 take ˈheart (from sth) to feel more positive about sth, especially when you thought that you had no chance of achieving sth (由于某事)增强信心;重新振作起来 The government can take heart from the latest opinion polls. 政府可以从最近的民意测验中找回信心。 take sth to ˈheart to be very upset by sth that sb says or does 对某事感到烦恼;十分介意(某人的话或行为);耿耿于怀 ˌtear/ˌrip the ˈheart out of sth to destroy the most important part or aspect of sth 摧毁…的核心 to your heart's conˈtent as much as you want 尽情地;心满意足 a supervised play area where children can run around to their heart's content 一处能让孩子们尽情游玩且有人看管的地方 with all your ˈheart/your whole ˈheart completely 完全地;全心全意 I hope with all my heart that things work out for you. 我衷心希望你一切顺利。 more at absence , change n. , cross v. , eat , etch , eye n. , find v. , goodness , home n. , interest n. , sick adj. , sob v. , steal v. , strike v. , tear 1 v. , warm v. , way n. , wear v. , win v. , young adj. heart hearts heart / hɑːt ; NAmE hɑːrt /
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