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- pron. 他
1. He is a cute boy.
2. He saw you and I.
3. What a nice dog—is it a he or a she?
HE ( BrE) ( also H.E. US, BrE ) abbreviation 1 Her/His Excellency 阁下 ◆ HE the Australian Ambassador 澳大利亚大使阁下 2 higher education 高等教育 he ★ / hi ; NAmE hi / / iː ; NAmE iː / / i ; NAmE i / / strong form hiː strong form hiː / pronoun , noun he hes pronoun ★ ( used as the subject of a verb 用作动词主语 ) 1 ★ a male person or animal that has already been mentioned or is easily identified 他;它(指雄性动物) ◆ Everyone liked my father—he was the perfect gentleman. 大家都喜欢我父亲,他是真正的绅士。 ◆ He (= the man we are watching)went through that door. 他进了那道门。 2 ( becoming old-fashioned) a person, male or female, whose sex is not stated or known, especially when referring to sb mentioned earlier or to a group in general 人(指性别未说明或不知道的男性或女性,尤指曾提过的人或泛指某群体时) ◆ Every child needs to know that he is loved. 每个孩子都需要知道自己是有人爱的。 ◆ ( saying) He who (= anyone who)hesitates is lost. 优柔寡断者坐失良机。 ☞note at gender 3 He used when referring to God 祂(指上帝) ☞compare him noun / hiː ; NAmE hiː / 1 [singular ] ( informal) a male 雄性 ◆ What a nice dog—is it a he or a she? 多好看的狗,它是公的还是母的? 2 he- ( in compound nouns 构成复合名词 ) a male animal 雄性动物 ◆ a he-goat 一头公山羊 he / hi ; NAmE hi /
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