hatter 英 ['hætə]   美 ['hætɚ]


hatter  英 ['hætə] 美 ['hætɚ]

n. 帽商;帽子制造者;孤独的人 


Suddenly the Mad hatter, the Cheshire Cat and the hookah-smoking, vowel-blowing caterpillar were icons for hippies across the country. 突然之间,疯狂帽商,笑脸猫,坐在蘑菇吸烟斗的毛毛虫,成为全美嬉皮士的心头之好。
While Dagong may no longer look like Chicken Little, it's still not clear whether its U.S. ratings are a product of forecasting acumen, or the result of a few too many cups of tea with the Mad hatter. 尽管大公看起来可能不再像是《四眼天鸡》中的鸡小弟,却仍不清楚对美国的评级是明智预测的一个产物,还是和《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的“疯帽子”喝了太多杯茶的结果。

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  • n. 帽商;帽子制造者;孤独的人
  • 1. Suddenly the Mad hatter, the Cheshire Cat and the hookah-smoking, vowel-blowing caterpillar were icons for hippies across the country.


  • 2. While Dagong may no longer look like Chicken Little, it's still not clear whether its U.S. ratings are a product of forecasting acumen, or the result of a few too many cups of tea with the Mad hatter.


  • 3. As Alice learns from her occasionally lucid guide the 'Mad hatter,' things have changed.


  • hatter (n.) late 14c., from hat + -er (1). Their association with madness dates to at least 1837.
hat·ter / ˈhætə(r) ; NAmE ˈhætər / noun ( old-fashioned) a person who makes and sells hats 制帽者;帽商 IDIOMsee mad hatter hatters hat·ter / ˈhætə(r) ; NAmE ˈhætər /
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