


phrase. 攻击性信件;恐吓信 


I never knew that Diana was the subject of a police investigation when she was young for sending hate mail to a step-parent. That is really just over the top. 我从不知道,戴安娜在年轻的时候因为给继母的一封仇恨信而收到警方调查,但是这真的很过分了。
Since I became involved in the Pollard case two decades ago through public speeches, letters to the president, and op-eds in major newspapers, I have received volumes of hate mail for my stand. 通过公开演说,给总统致函,在每大报纸的专栏发文,我在波拉德一案中摸爬滚打了二十年,我所收到的痛恨我屁股坐错了位子的邮件,数量不计其数。

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  • phrase. 攻击性信件;恐吓信
  • 1. I never knew that Diana was the subject of a police investigation when she was young for sending hate mail to a step-parent. That is really just over the top.


  • 2. Since I became involved in the Pollard case two decades ago through public speeches, letters to the president, and op-eds in major newspapers, I have received volumes of hate mail for my stand.


  • 3. Tech-heads hate the iPad because it’s versatile–you can e-mail, browse the Web, read books–and yet it has no specialty.


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