hat 英 [hæt]   美 [hæt]


hat  英 [hæt] 美 [hæt]

n. 帽子 

进行时:hatting  过去式:hatted  过去分词:hatted  第三人称单数:hats  名词复数:hats 

to put on a hat 带上帽子
to take off a hat 摘下帽子

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  • n. 帽子
  • 1. to put on a hat


  • 2. to take off a hat


  • 3. Fetch me my hat please.


hat / hæt ; NAmE hæt / noun 1 a covering made to fit the head, often with a brim,(= a flat edge that sticks out) and worn out of doors (常指带檐的)帽子 a straw/woolly, etc. hat 草帽、毛线帽等 to put on/take off a hat 戴╱脱帽子 2 ( informal) a position or role, especially an official or professional role, when you have more than one such role (双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色) I'm wearing two hats tonight—parent and teacher. 我今晚身兼两职,既是家长又是老师。 I'm telling you this with my lawyer's hat on, you understand. 你要明白,我是以律师的身分告诉你这事。 see also old hat IDIOMS go hat in ˈhand (to sb) ( NAmE) ( BrE go cap in ˈhand (to sb) ) to ask sb for sth, especially money, in a very polite way that makes you seem less important 谦卑地要,恭敬地讨(尤指钱) keep sth under your ˈhat ( informal) to keep sth secret and not tell anyone else 将某事保密 ˌmy ˈhat ( old-fashioned) ( BrE) used to express surprise (表示惊奇) out of a/the ˈhat if sth such as a name is picked out of a/the hat,it is picked at randomfrom a container into which all the names are put, so that each name has an equal chance of being picked, in a competition, etc. 随机抽出 I take my ˈhat off to sb | hats off to sb ( both especially BrE) ( NAmE usually I tip my ˈhat to sb ) ( informal) used to say that you admire sb very much for sth they have done (表示敬佩) throw your ˈhat into the ring to announce officially that you are going to compete in an election, a competition, etc. 正式宣布参加竞选(或比赛等) more at drop n. , eat , knock v. , pass v. , pull v. , talk v. hat hats hatted hatting hat / hæt ; NAmE hæt /
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