hat-trick 英 [hæt trik]   美 [hæt trɪk]


hat-trick  英 [hæt trik] 美 [hæt trɪk]

phrase. 帽子戏法 


I had never played before, but I came on and scored a perfect hat-trick: header, left foot, right foot. 我以前从没踢过球,但我上来后就踢出完美的帽子戏法:头球,左脚进球和右脚进球。
He did the same thing for England, came back and scored a hat-trick against Croatia after all that criticism. 他为英格兰队做了同样的事情,在质疑中复出后,面对阵克罗地亚,他上演了帽子戏法。

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  • phrase. 帽子戏法
  • 1. I had never played before, but I came on and scored a perfect hat-trick: header, left foot, right foot.


  • 2. He did the same thing for England, came back and scored a hat-trick against Croatia after all that criticism.


  • 3. His hat-trick had also begun with a header, but the centrepiece was a moment of unforgettable imagination and technique.


ˈhat-trick / ; NAmE / noun three points, goals, etc. scored by the same player in a particular match or game; three successes achieved by one person (比赛或游戏中)一人连得三分,一人连续三次取胜;帽子戏法 to score a hat-trick 上演帽子戏法 hat-trick hat-tricks ˈhat-trick / ; NAmE /
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