hasten 英 [ˈheɪsn]   美 [ˈhesən]


hasten  英 [ˈheɪsn] 美 [ˈhesən]

vt. 加速;使赶紧;催促  vi. 赶快;急忙 

进行时:hastening  过去式:hastened  过去分词:hastened  第三人称单数:hastens  名词复数:hastens 

Do thou hasten to the king's side. 你赶快到国王这边来。
The crisis gives us the opportunity to hasten this process. 这次危机使我们有机会加速这一进程。

  • The verb hasten means to move at a high speed. If you hasten to your room, no one will know that you came in late.
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  • vt. 加速;使赶紧;催促
  • vi. 赶快;急忙
  • 1. Do thou hasten to the king's side.


  • 2. The crisis gives us the opportunity to hasten this process.


  • 3. Its shareholders will soon have a chance to hasten the process.


  • hasten (v.) 1560s, transitive and intransitive, extended form of haste (v.) with -en (1). Related: Hastened; hastening.
has·ten / ˈheɪsn ; NAmE ˈheɪsn / verb 1 [intransitive ] hastento do sth to say or do sth without delay 急忙进行;赶紧说(或做) She saw his frown and hastened to explain. 看到他皱起眉头,她赶紧解释。 He has been described as a ‘charmless bore’—not by me, I hasten to add. 他被说成是“无聊的啰嗦鬼” — 不是我说的,我赶忙加了一句。 2 [transitive ] hastensth ( formal) to make sth happen sooner or more quickly 促进;使加快 The treatment she received may, in fact, have hastened her death. 实际上,她所接受的治疗可能加快了她的死亡。 News of the scandal certainly hastened his departure from office. 这一丑闻肯定加速了他的离任。 3 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. ( literary) to go or move somewhere quickly 赶往(某地) SYN hurry hasten hastens hastened hastening has·ten / ˈheɪsn ; NAmE ˈheɪsn /
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