hard-won ['hɑ:d'wʌn]  


hard-won  ['hɑ:d'wʌn]

adj. 来之不易的;难得的 

So while cyberspace is a new realm, we have many, many years of hard-won understandings to guide us in this new space. 因此,尽管网络空间是一个新的领域,我们有许多、许多年来之不易的理解引导我们在这个新领域前进。
And it may also be why men are allowed to shed a tear or two every now and then without anyone questioning whether they can handle their hard-won power. 而且这也可以解释,为什么男人可以时不时地抹上两把眼泪,而没人怀疑他们能否游刃有余地操纵这来之不易的管理大权。

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  • adj. 来之不易的;难得的
  • 1. So while cyberspace is a new realm, we have many, many years of hard-won understandings to guide us in this new space.


  • 2. And it may also be why men are allowed to shed a tear or two every now and then without anyone questioning whether they can handle their hard-won power.


ˌhard-ˈwon / ; NAmE / adjective [usually before noun ] that you only get after fighting or working hard for it 经奋斗(或努力)得到的;来之不易的 She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily. 她不会这么轻易地放弃得来不易的自由。 ˌhard-ˈwon / ; NAmE /
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