hard sell 英 [hɑrd sel]   美 [hɑː(r)d sɛl]

hard sell

hard sell  英 [hɑrd sel] 美 [hɑː(r)d sɛl]

n. 强行推销;(美)硬卖 

名词复数:hard sells 

He acknowledges that in the west eating insects is a hard sell: “It is very important how you prepare them, you have to do it very nicely, to overcome the yuk factor. 他承认,让西方人吃昆虫是强行推销:如何烹饪非常重要,你必须做的非常可爱,以克服令人恶心的因素。
Peter Thorne, a climatologist at the Co-operative Institute for Climate and Satellites, in North Carolina, describes it as “quite a hard sell in periods that are data sparse”. 彼得·索恩是北卡罗莱纳州一位气候和卫星合作研究所的气候学家,他将其形容为“数据稀疏时期的强行推销”。

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  • n. 强行推销;(美)硬卖
  • 1. He acknowledges that in the west eating insects is a hard sell: “It is very important how you prepare them, you have to do it very nicely, to overcome the yuk factor.


  • 2. Peter Thorne, a climatologist at the Co-operative Institute for Climate and Satellites, in North Carolina, describes it as “quite a hard sell in periods that are data sparse”.


  • 3. Voters may continue to blame them for things that go wrong at local level, and giving town halls serious fiscal powers is a hard sell in a country where the property-based local tax is hated.

    选民依然可能会指责他们,尽管麻烦是地方制造的。 而给地方政府实际的财政权利实际上是强行推销,因为基于财产的地方税在英国很不受待见。

ˌhard ˈsell / ; NAmE / noun [singular ] a method of selling that puts a lot of pressure on the customer to buy 强行推销 compare soft sell ˌhard ˈsell / ; NAmE /
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