hard currency 英 [hɑrd ˈkʌrənsi]   美 [hɑː(r)d ˈkɚrənsi]

hard currency

hard currency  英 [hɑrd ˈkʌrənsi] 美 [hɑː(r)d ˈkɚrənsi]

phrase. [金融] 硬通货;强势货币(等于hard money) 

名词复数:hard currencies 

The soldiers and sailors scubadive, sail and drink Seybrew, the local beer-and pay for it all in hard currency. 士兵和水手们在那里潜水,玩帆船,喝当地人酿造的啤酒--全都用硬通货(美金)买单。
And they are free to invest their hard currency reserves not in UST, but in hard assets/materials/oil, etc. And precious metals. 而且他们更愿意将外汇储备少些投资于美债,更多的投资到一些硬通货,比如能源、矿物、石油和材料等等。

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  • phrase. [金融] 硬通货;强势货币(等于hard money)
  • 1. The soldiers and sailors scubadive, sail and drink Seybrew, the local beer-and pay for it all in hard currency.


  • 2. And they are free to invest their hard currency reserves not in UST, but in hard assets/materials/oil, etc. And precious metals.


ˌhard ˈcurrency / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ,  countable ] money that is easy to exchange for money from another country, because it is not likely to lose its value 硬通货(币值稳定,容易兑换) ˌhard ˈcurrency / ; NAmE /
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