hanky-panky 英 [ˌhæŋki ˈpæŋki]   美 [ˈhæŋkiˈpæŋki]


hanky-panky  英 [ˌhæŋki ˈpæŋki] 美 [ˈhæŋkiˈpæŋki]

n. 诡计;捣鬼;欺诈 


Since my customers are such suckers, I can now engage in profitable hanky-panky and none will be the wiser. 既然我的顾客们都如此沉迷于票据,那我可以略施小计额外挣点钱,没有人能比我更聪明了。
On face value, this supports the Sexual Strategies Theory, but not why so many women engage in hanky-panky on the side. 表面上,这支持了性策略理论,但这并不能对为什么那么多女性喜欢欺骗做出解释。

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  • n. 诡计;捣鬼;欺诈
  • 1. Since my customers are such suckers, I can now engage in profitable hanky-panky and none will be the wiser.


  • 2. On face value, this supports the Sexual Strategies Theory, but not why so many women engage in hanky-panky on the side.


  • 3. The Bush administration knows there's hanky-panky going on, but they just look the other way.

    布什政府清楚那里正在进行着对市场玩弄与调戏的行为, 但是他们看法角度不同.

hanky-panky / ˌhæŋki ˈpæŋki ; NAmE ˌhæŋki ˈpæŋki / noun [uncountable ] ( old-fashioned, informal) 1 sexual activity that is not considered acceptable 不得体的性行为;调戏;不正当性活动 2 dishonest behaviour 欺骗行为;花招 hanky-panky / ˌhæŋki ˈpæŋki ; NAmE ˌhæŋki ˈpæŋki /
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