haberdasher 英 [ˈhæbədæʃə(r)]   美 [ˈhæbərdæʃə(r)]


haberdasher  英 [ˈhæbədæʃə(r)] 美 [ˈhæbərdæʃə(r)]

n. 男子服饰经销商;杂货商 


haberdasher. Here is the cap your worship did bespeak . 这是您叫我做的那顶帽子。
Chia-chu's heart beat faster, for he suddenly recognized her now that she had smiled: she was the wife of a haberdasher in the main street, a woman he had often gazed at with lustful eyes. 曾家驹心里又是一跳。 从这可爱的微笑中,他忽然认出眼前这妇人就是大街上锦华洋货店的主妇,是他屡次见了便引动邪念的那个妇人!

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  • n. 男子服饰经销商;杂货商
  • 1. haberdasher. Here is the cap your worship did bespeak .


  • 2. Chia-chu's heart beat faster, for he suddenly recognized her now that she had smiled: she was the wife of a haberdasher in the main street, a woman he had often gazed at with lustful eyes.

    曾家驹心里又是一跳。 从这可爱的微笑中,他忽然认出眼前这妇人就是大街上锦华洋货店的主妇,是他屡次见了便引动邪念的那个妇人!

  • 3. The haberdasher presented a cap.


  • haberdasher (n.) early 14c. (late 13c. as a surname), "seller of small articles of trade" (caps, purses, beads, thread, stationery, etc.), from Anglo-French, where apparently it was an agent noun formation from hapertas "small wares," also a kind of fabric, a word of unknown origin. Sense of "dealer in men's wares" is 1887 in American English, via intermediate sense of "seller of caps." Middle English haberdash (n.) "small articles of trade sold by a haberdasher" appears to be a back-formation from this word, and the verb haberdash is late (1630s) and rare.
hab·er·dash·er / ˈhæbədæʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈhæbərdæʃər / noun 1 ( old-fashioned) ( BrE) a person who owns or works in a shop/store selling small articles for sewing, for example, needles, pins, cotton and buttons 缝纫用品店店主(或店员) 2 hab·er·dash·er's ( plural hab·er·dash·ers ) a shop/store that sells these things 缝纫用品店 3 ( NAmE) a person who owns, manages or works in a shop/store that makes and sells men's clothes 男装店店主(或店员等) haberdasher haberdashers hab·er·dash·er / ˈhæbədæʃə(r) ; NAmE ˈhæbərdæʃər /
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