guy rope  

guy rope

guy rope 

phrase. 支索;钢缆;拉绳 

名词复数:guy ropes 

But let's give this guy enough rope to hang himself. 所以这儿give this guy enough rope to hang himself意思是让那家伙自我暴露弱点、不击自破。
Thee mast was swaying about a bit more than i would like so I have added an extra guy rope and that seem to have stiffen it all up a bit. 桅杆左右晃动是有点超过我想,所以我增加了额外的家伙绳,并似乎已经僵硬这一切了位。

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  • phrase. 支索;钢缆;拉绳
  • 1. But let's give this guy enough rope to hang himself.

    所以这儿give this guy enough rope to hang himself意思是让那家伙自我暴露弱点、不击自破。

  • 2. Thee mast was swaying about a bit more than i would like so I have added an extra guy rope and that seem to have stiffen it all up a bit.


  • 3. 4:We could ask the chairman to limit debate. But let's give this guy enough rope to hang himself. Let him talk as long as he wants - the longer he talks the more votes he'll lose.

    他说:我们可以要求主席限制辩论时间,但是我们还是让那家伙自取灭亡吧。随他去大放厥词。他言多必失,话越长,失去的支持票数就越多。 所以这儿give this guy enough rope to hang himself意思是让那家伙自我暴露弱点、不击自破。

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