gun 英 [gʌn]   美 [ɡʌn]


gun  英 [gʌn] 美 [ɡʌn]


进行时:gunning  过去式:gunned  过去分词:gunned  第三人称单数:guns  名词复数:guns 

a toy gun 玩具枪
to fire a gun at sb 向某人开火

  • A gun is a hand-held weapon that fires bullets or shells. A hunter's gun looks very different from the gun carried in a holster by a police officer.Guns come in all shapes and sizes, but they are all dangerous weapons.
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  • n.
  • 1. a toy gun


  • 2. to fire a gun at sb


  • 3. anti-aircraft guns


  • 4. Look out, he's got a gun!


  • 5. The police officers drew their guns .


  • 6. She pulled a gun onme .


  • 7. a gun battle between rival gangs


  • 8. a hired gun


gun / ɡʌn ; NAmE ɡʌn / noun , verb gun guns gunned gunning noun 1 [countable ] a weapon that is used for firing bullets or shells 枪;炮 to fire a gunat sb 向某人开火 a toy gun 玩具枪 anti-aircraft guns 高射炮 Look out, he's got a gun! 小心,他有枪! Should police officers carry guns? 警察应该佩枪吗? He pointed/aimed the gunat her head. 他用枪对准╱瞄准了她的头。 The police officers drew their guns (= took them out so they were ready to use). 警察拔枪。 She pulled a gun onme (= took out a gun and aimed it at me). 她掏出枪来对准了我。 The gun went offby accident. 枪走火了。 a gun battlebetween rival gangs 对立帮派间的枪战 see also airgun , handgun , machine gun , shotgun , stun gun , sub-machine gun , tommy gun 2 [countable ] a tool that uses pressure to send out a substance or an object 喷射器;喷枪 a staple gun *U 形钉枪 see also spray gun 3 the gun [singular ] the signal to begin a race, that is made by firing a special gun, called a starting pistol, into the air 起跑信号;发令枪声 4 [countable ] ( informal) ( especially NAmE) a person who is paid to shoot sb 受雇杀人的枪手 a hired gun 雇用的枪手 see also flashgun , son of a gun IDIOMS hold/put a gun to sb's ˈhead to force sb to do sth that they do not want to do, by making threats 威胁某人;胁迫某人就范 under the ˈgun ( NAmE) ( informal) experiencing a lot of pressure 承受很大压力 I'm really under the gun today. 我今天的压力真大。 (with) all/both guns ˈblazing ( informal) with a lot of energy and determination 充满活力;精神抖擞 The champions came out (with) all guns blazing. 优胜者们神采奕奕地登场亮相。 more at great adj. , jump v. , spike v. , stick v. verb ( -nn- ) 1 [intransitive ] ( NAmE) (of an engine 发动机 ) to run very quickly 快速运转 a line of motorcycles with their engines gunning 引擎狂转的一队摩托车 2 [transitive ] gunsth + adv./prep. ( NAmE) to start driving a vehicle very fast 使(车辆)加速 He gunned the cab through the red light. 他猛踩油门,开着出租汽车闯过了红灯。 PHRASAL VERBS be ˈgunning for sb ( informal) to be looking for an opportunity to blame or attack sb 伺机指责(或攻击)某人 be ˈgunning for sth to be competing for or trying hard to get sth 竭力谋求,力图获取,寻求(某物) She's gunning for the top job. 她正竭力谋取最高职位。 ˌgun sb↔ˈdown [usually passive ] to shoot sb, especially killing or seriously injuring them 枪杀,开枪伤害(某人) gun / ɡʌn ; NAmE ɡʌn /
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