guided missile 英 [ˈgaɪdɪd]   美 [ˈɡaɪdɪd]

guided missile

guided missile  英 [ˈgaɪdɪd] 美 [ˈɡaɪdɪd]

phrase. 导弹;导向飞弹;有线导引飞弹 

名词复数:guided missiles 

The U.S. Navy has sent a guided missile destroyer. 美国海军出动了一艘制导导弹驱逐舰。
The state plans to sue the US Navy to seek compensation for coral ruined when a guided missile cruiser the length of two football fields ran aground near Pearl Harbor in February. 美国海军一艘长度相当于两座足球场的导弹巡洋舰二月在珍珠港附近触礁搁浅,夏威夷州政府计画控告美国海军,针对珊瑚受损求偿。

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  • phrase. 导弹;导向飞弹;有线导引飞弹
  • 1. The U.S. Navy has sent a guided missile destroyer.


  • 2. The state plans to sue the US Navy to seek compensation for coral ruined when a guided missile cruiser the length of two football fields ran aground near Pearl Harbor in February.


  • 3. While the pigeon-guided missile died, the idea of using a box with levers for experimenting with animals lived on in the form of a 'Skinner box'.


ˌguided ˈmissile / ; NAmE / noun a missilethat can be controlled while in the air by electronic equipment 导弹 ˌguided ˈmissile / ; NAmE /
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