guard 英 [gɑ:d]   美 [gɑrd]


guard  英 [gɑ:d] 美 [gɑrd]

n. 守卫;  v. 守卫;看守 

进行时:guarding  过去式:guarded  过去分词:guarded  第三人称单数:guards  名词复数:guards 

a security guard 安全警卫
border guards 边防卫士

  • A person who protects something is called a guard. You might see a security guard at the mall, a crossing guard on the street outside a school, or a palace guard at Buckingham Palace.
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  • n. 守卫;
  • v. 守卫;看守
  • 1. a security guard


  • 2. border guards


  • 3. A guard was posted outside the building.


  • 4. the captain of the guard


  • 5. to do guard duty


  • 6. The dog was guarding its owner's luggage.


  • 7. You can't get in; the whole place is guarded.


  • guard (n.) early 15c., "one who keeps watch, a body of soldiers," also "care, custody, guardianship," and the name of a part of a piece of armor, from Middle French garde "guardian, warden, keeper; watching, keeping, custody," from Old French garder "to keep, maintain, preserve, protect" (see guard (v.)). Abstract or collective sense of "a keeping, a custody" (as in bodyguard) also is from early 15c. Sword-play and fisticuffs sense is from 1590s; hence to be on guard (1640s) or off (one's) guard (1680s). As a football position, from 1889. Guard-rail attested from 1860, originally on railroad tracks and running beside the rail on the outside; the guide-rail running between the rails.
  • guard (v.) mid-15c., from guard (n.) or from Old French garder "to keep watch over, guard, protect, maintain, preserve" (corresponding to Old North French warder, see gu-), from Frankish *wardon, from Proto-Germanic *wardon "to guard" (from PIE root *wer- (3) "perceive, watch out for"). Italian guardare, Spanish guardar also are from Germanic. Related: Guarded; guarding.
guard / ɡɑːd ; NAmE ɡɑːrd / noun , verb guard guards guarded guarding noun people who protect 警卫 1 [countable ] a person, such as a soldier, a police officer or a prison officer, who protects a place or people, or prevents prisoners from escaping 卫兵;警卫员;看守 a security guard 安全警卫 border guards 边防卫士 The prisoner slipped past the guards on the gate and escaped. 犯人从门卫身旁溜出去逃走了。 A guard was posted outside the building. 建筑物外驻了一名警卫。 compare warder see also bodyguard , coastguard , lifeguard 2 [countable + singular or plural verb ] a group of people, such as soldiers or police officers, who protect sb/sth (统称)卫兵,警卫,看守 the captain of the guard 卫队长 the changing of the guard (= when one group replaces another) 卫队换岗 The guard is/are being inspected today. 今天卫队接受检阅。 Fellow airmen provided a guard of honourat his wedding. 空军战友们为他的婚礼充当仪仗队。 The President always travels with an armed guard. 总统出行总有武装卫队保驾。 see also National Guard , old guard , rearguard 3 [uncountable ] the act or duty of protecting property, places or people from attack or danger; the act or duty of preventing prisoners from escaping 警戒;保卫;保护;看守 a sentry on guard (= at his or her post, on duty) 执勤哨兵 to do guard duty 担任警戒任务 The escaped prisoner was brought back under armed guard. 越狱逃犯由武装警卫押回。 The terrorist was kept underpolice guard. 这名恐怖分子当时在警方的看管之下。 One of the men kept guard,while the other broke into the house. 一人放哨,另一人则闯进了房子里。 4 the Guards [plural ] (in Britain and some other countries) special regimentsof soldiers whose original duty was to protect the king or queen (英国和其他一些国家的)禁军,御林军,近卫军 against injury 防止受伤 5 [countable ] ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) something that covers a part of a person's body or a dangerous part of a machine to prevent injury 防护罩;防护装置;防护用品 Ensure the guard is in place before operating the machine. 一定要在防护装置到位后才开机器。 see also fireguard , mouthguard , mudguard , safeguard , shin guard on train 火车 6 [countable ] ( BrE) ( becoming old-fashioned) = conductor  (2 ) in boxing/fencing 拳击;击剑 7 [uncountable ] a position you take to defend yourself, especially in a sport such as boxingor fencing 防御姿势 to drop/keep up your guard 放弃╱保持防御姿势 ( figurative) In spite of the awkward questions the minister never let his guard fall for a moment. 尽管遇到些令人尴尬的问题,部长从没有丝毫退缩。 in basketball 篮球 8 [countable ] one of the two players on a basketballteam who are mainly responsible for staying close to opposing players to stop them from scoring 后卫 in American football 美式足球 9 [countable ] one of the two players on an American footballteam who play either side of the centre forward 侧卫;翼卫 IDIOMS be on your ˈguard to be very careful and prepared for sth difficult or dangerous 警惕;提防;警戒 mount/stand/keep ˈguard (over sb/sth) to watch or protect sb/sth 守卫;看守;保卫 Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin. 有四名士兵守护灵柩。 off (your) ˈguard not careful or prepared for sth difficult or dangerous 不警惕;不提防;不警戒 The lawyer's apparently innocent question was designed to catchthe witness off (his) guard. 律师看似不经意的问题是为了使证人措手不及。 verb 1 guardsb/sth to protect property, places or people from attack or danger 警卫;守卫;保卫 The dog was guarding its owner's luggage. 狗守护着主人的行李。 political leaders guarded by the police 由警方保卫的政界领袖们 You can't get in; the whole place is guarded. 你进不去,整个地区都戒备森严。 ( figurative) a closely guarded secret 严守的秘密 2 guardsb to prevent prisoners from escaping 看守,监视(囚犯) The prisoners were guarded by soldiers. 犯人由士兵看守。 PHRASAL VERB ˈguard against sth to take care to prevent sth or to protect yourself from sth 防止,防范,提防(某事) to guard against accidents/disease 防止事故;预防疾病 guard / ɡɑːd ; NAmE ɡɑːrd /
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