grueling 英 ['grʊəlɪŋ]   美 [ˈɡruəlɪŋ, ˈɡrulɪŋ]


grueling  英 ['grʊəlɪŋ] 美 [ˈɡruəlɪŋ, ˈɡrulɪŋ]

n. 惩罚;劳累  adj. 累垮人的;折磨人的  v. 使极度疲劳;累垮(gruel的ing形式) 


So, instead of preparing for a career where the job search process is long and grueling, why not find a career where prospective employers practically come knocking on the door? 所以,与其准备那些求职道路漫长而又艰辛的职业,为什么不去发现一个将来雇主实际上会主动来敲你门找你的职业呢?
In order to get through the grueling 8-hour work day, we reward ourselves with these treats as "well-deserved" restitution for our efforts: in other words, we eat it because it's right in front of us. 为了度过每天8个小时的工作煎熬,我们用这些食物奖励自己,把它们当作是我们的努力应得的回报:换句话说,我们吃这些东西是因为它们就放在我们面前。

  • If a job is grueling, that means it is really difficult. If a race is grueling, that means it is really difficult. If a trip to the dentist is grueling, that means you need to toughen up.
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  • n. 惩罚;劳累
  • adj. 累垮人的;折磨人的
  • v. 使极度疲劳;累垮(gruel的ing形式)
  • 1. So, instead of preparing for a career where the job search process is long and grueling, why not find a career where prospective employers practically come knocking on the door?


  • 2. In order to get through the grueling 8-hour work day, we reward ourselves with these treats as "well-deserved" restitution for our efforts: in other words, we eat it because it's right in front of us.


  • 3. But if she works or has other time consuming responsibilities that would interfere with an exercise schedule that grueling, then she should set a more realistic goal.


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