grudgingly ['grʌdʒiŋli]  


grudgingly  ['grʌdʒiŋli]

adv. 勉强地;不情愿地 

Yes, Netanyahu gave a speech in which he grudgingly accepted the idea of a two-state solution, but it was a speech addressed to Barack Obama to get him off his back. 是的,内塔尼亚胡在讲话中勉强接受两个国家的解决方案,但这仅是在向奥巴马总统的讲话中,使奥巴马不再与他纠缠而已。
Look, I will grudgingly admit that much of the movie was really funny. 可是我仍然极不情愿承认电影大部分还是挺有趣的。

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  • adv. 勉强地;不情愿地
  • 1. Yes, Netanyahu gave a speech in which he grudgingly accepted the idea of a two-state solution, but it was a speech addressed to Barack Obama to get him off his back.


  • 2. Look, I will grudgingly admit that much of the movie was really funny.


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