grown-up 英 [ɡrəʊn ʌp]   美 [ˈɡronˌʌp]


grown-up  英 [ɡrəʊn ʌp] 美 [ˈɡronˌʌp]

adj. 成熟的  n. 成年人 


One is that they are radical pluralists, with a grown-up, rather European sense of the possibilities of multiparty politics. 神话之一在于:他们是激进的多元论者,(准确地说)拥有相当成熟的欧洲多党制理念。
Here we have a little child, without knowledge or experience; there a grown-up person with fully developed mental powers. 一方是一个没有任何知识或者经验的小孩,另一方是一个有着健全发展的智力的成年人。

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  • adj. 成熟的
  • n. 成年人
  • 1. One is that they are radical pluralists, with a grown-up, rather European sense of the possibilities of multiparty politics.


  • 2. Here we have a little child, without knowledge or experience; there a grown-up person with fully developed mental powers.


  • 3. The grown-up growled at a crowd of crows.


ˈgrown-up 2 / ; NAmE / noun ( used especially by and to children 尤为儿语或对儿童说话时用 ) an adult person 大人 SYN adult If you're good you can eat with the grown-ups. 你如果乖一点就可以和大人同桌吃饭。 grown-up grown-ups ˈgrown-up / ; NAmE / ˌgrown-ˈup 1 / ; NAmE / adjective 1 (of a person ) mentally and physically an adult 成熟的;成年的;长大成人的 SYN adult What do you want to be when you're grown-up? 你长大成人后想做什么? She has a grown-up son. 她有个已成年的儿子。 2 suitable for or typical of an adult 适合成人的;成人特有的 The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way. 听到别人用这种成人的方式跟自己说话,那个孩子显然感到不知所措。 grown-up grown-ups ˌgrown-ˈup / ; NAmE /
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