


n. 露底,露齿笑  v. 露齿而笑(grin的现在分词形式) 


"I just don't know how I contain myself…" I said trying not to laugh but failing as Keith continued to stare at me grinning from ear to ear. “我只是不知道怎样控制我自己……”我说道,强忍住不笑出声来,可是基斯一直嬉皮笑脸地盯着我看,结果我还是没有忍住
Alright, so you can take them down individually after A LOT of effort, but that doesn’t mean another won’t spring back in its place, with a grinning skull to mock you. 好吧,一番努力之后你可以把这些杀人机器一一取下来,但是这并不意味着另一个杀人机器不会在他原来的位置上突然冒出来,裂着头盖骨嘲笑你。

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  • n. 露底,露齿笑
  • v. 露齿而笑(grin的现在分词形式)
  • 1. "I just don't know how I contain myself…" I said trying not to laugh but failing as Keith continued to stare at me grinning from ear to ear.


  • 2. Alright, so you can take them down individually after A LOT of effort, but that doesn’t mean another won’t spring back in its place, with a grinning skull to mock you.


  • 3. He stopped abruptly at a display of full-length mirrors, lifting one foot at a time, grinning and admiring his boots until his mother called for him to catch up to her.


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