green pepper 英 [ɡri:n ˈpepə]   美 [ɡrin ˈpɛpɚ]

green pepper

green pepper  英 [ɡri:n ˈpepə] 美 [ɡrin ˈpɛpɚ]

phrase. [园艺] 青椒 

名词复数:green peppers 

In a medium-sized bowl, combine the salmon and crushed bones with the potatoes, green pepper, onion, egg and black pepper. Shape the mixture into 12 patties. 用一个中型碗,将鲑鱼片和粉碎的鱼骨与土豆丝,青椒,洋葱,鸡蛋和黑胡椒混合,再将混合物作成12个馅饼。
For example, you can prepare an omelet using red/green pepper, mushrooms, red onion, tomatoes, and a little broccoli - garnish with low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and salsa. 例如,你可以利用红/绿辣椒、蘑菇、红葱头、西红柿和一个小花椰菜作为装饰,以及低脂奶酪、低脂酸奶油和沙司来制作煎蛋卷。

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  • phrase. [园艺] 青椒
  • 1. In a medium-sized bowl, combine the salmon and crushed bones with the potatoes, green pepper, onion, egg and black pepper. Shape the mixture into 12 patties.


  • 2. For example, you can prepare an omelet using red/green pepper, mushrooms, red onion, tomatoes, and a little broccoli - garnish with low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and salsa.


  • 3. This chemical gives Cabernet Sauvignon its herbaceous green pepper aroma, detectable at as little as six parts per trillion.


ˌgreen ˈpepper / ; NAmE / noun a hollow green fruit that is eaten, raw or cooked, as a vegetable 青椒;甜椒;灯笼椒 ˌgreen ˈpepper / ; NAmE /
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