gravy boat 英 [ˈɡreivi bəut]   美 [ˈɡrevi bot]

gravy boat

gravy boat  英 [ˈɡreivi bəut] 美 [ˈɡrevi bot]

phrase. 调味汁瓶;酱油壶;船形调味肉汁盘 

名词复数:gravy boats 

I had found the gravy boat from my mother's china service. 我竟然找到了妈妈那套瓷器中的这只船形肉卤盘。
But beyond the events of the flood, the gravy boat is a treasure that connects me to the people and the places of my past. 但是除了那场洪水的经历之外,这只船形肉卤盘还是一件将我同我过去的亲人和住处紧密相联的珍奇之物。

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  • phrase. 调味汁瓶;酱油壶;船形调味肉汁盘
  • 1. I had found the gravy boat from my mother's china service.


  • 2. But beyond the events of the flood, the gravy boat is a treasure that connects me to the people and the places of my past.


  • 3. Now I use the gravy boat just as she had, taking it carefully from the shelf and filling it just as she did with dark, rich turkey gravy for family dinners and other special occasions.


ˈgravy boat / ; NAmE / noun a long low jugused for serving and pouring gravyat a meal 船形肉汁盘 gravy boat gravy boats ˈgravy boat / ; NAmE /
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