gospel 英 [ˈgɒspl]   美 [ˈgɑspl]


gospel  英 [ˈgɒspl] 美 [ˈgɑspl]

n. 真理;信条  adj. 传播福音的;福音赞美诗的 


When does it happen in the gospel of John? Chapter 2. 而在约翰福音中它又是何时发生的呢,在第2章。
In the gospel of John he just carries on this whole philosophical discussion with Pilate about what is truth. 而在约翰福音中,他只是不停地跟比拉多就什么是真理,进行着哲学上的讨论。

  • Follow advice like gospel and you're following it as though it was the final word or authority on the matter.
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  • n. 真理;信条
  • adj. 传播福音的;福音赞美诗的
  • 1. When does it happen in the gospel of John? Chapter 2.


  • 2. In the gospel of John he just carries on this whole philosophical discussion with Pilate about what is truth.


  • 3. Notice how in the gospel of John repeatedly these issues come down to Christology.


  • gospel (n.) Old English godspel "glad tidings announced by Jesus; one of the four gospels," literally "good spell," from god "good" (see good (adj.)) + spel "story, message" (see spell (n.1)). A translation of Latin bona adnuntiatio, itself a translation of Greek euangelion "reward for bringing good news" (see evangel). The first element of the Old English word originally had a long "o," but it shifted under mistaken association with God, as if "God-story" (i.e. the history of Christ).
gos·pel / ˈɡɒspl ; NAmE ˈɡɑːspl / noun 1 [countable ] ( alsoGospel ) one of the four books in the Bible about the life and teaching of Jesus 福音(《圣经》中关于耶稣生平和教诲的四福音书之一) the Gospel according to St John 约翰福音 St Mark's Gospel 《马可福音》 2 [singular ] ( alsothe Gospel ) the life and teaching of Jesus as explained in the Bible 福音(耶稣的事迹和教诲) preaching/spreading the gospel 宣讲╱传布福音 collocationsat religion 3 [countable ,  usually singular ] a set of ideas that sb believes in and tries to persuade others to accept (个人的)信念,信仰 He preached a gospel of military strength. 他鼓吹军事实力主义。 4 ( also ˌgospel ˈtruth ) [uncountable ] ( informal) the complete truth 绝对真理 Is that gospel? 那是绝对真理吗? Don't take his word as gospel. 别把他的话当作绝对真理。 5 ( also ˈgospel music ) [uncountable ] a style of religious singing developed by African Americans 福音音乐(最初在非洲裔美国人中间传唱的宗教音乐) a gospel choir 福音唱诗班 gospel gospels gos·pel / ˈɡɒspl ; NAmE ˈɡɑːspl /
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