god-awful 英 [ˈgɔdˈɔ:fəl]   美 [ˈɡɑdˈɔfəl]


god-awful  英 [ˈgɔdˈɔ:fəl] 美 [ˈɡɑdˈɔfəl]

adj. 可憎的;非常恐怖的 

“People split up and have these god-awful joint custody arrangements, so youwould think that they stay separated for the kids’ sake, but I’m not seeingthat, ” she said. “人们分开,作出严肃的共同养育孩子的安排,这样你会以为他们保持分居是为了孩子,但是我没有看出来,”她说。
Georgia contains some God awful, post-industrial cesspits. 格鲁吉亚有一些丑陋不堪的后工业时代的污糟地方。

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  • adj. 可憎的;非常恐怖的
  • 1. “People split up and have these god-awful joint custody arrangements, so youwould think that they stay separated for the kids’ sake, but I’m not seeingthat, ” she said.


  • 2. Georgia contains some God awful, post-industrial cesspits.


  • 3. He was Lord of the Sky, the Rain-god and the Cloud-gatherer, who wielded the awful thunderbolt. His power was greater than that of all the other divinities together.


ˈGod-awful / ; NAmE / adjective [usually before noun ] ( informal) extremely bad 糟糕透顶的;令人憎恶的 He made a God-awful mess of it! 他把事情弄得一塌糊涂! HELP  Some people find this use offensive. 有人认为此用法含冒犯意。 ˈGod-awful / ; NAmE /
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