glumly ['glʌmli]  


glumly  ['glʌmli]

adv. 忧郁地;闷闷不乐地(glum的副词) 

“Then you don’t see what I see, ” Ivetta said glumly, and she moved away from him and hunched on the edge of the bed. “这么说来,你没有看到我所见到的,”艾薇塔闷闷不乐地说道。 她从他身边走开,弓着背坐在床边上。
When the girl sat glumly, the mother was instructed not to coax her into playing, but simply describe what she was doing. 当女孩闷闷不乐地坐下时,治疗师指导妈妈不要哄她去玩,而只是叙述女儿正在做什么。

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  • adv. 忧郁地;闷闷不乐地(glum的副词)
  • 1. “Then you don’t see what I see, ” Ivetta said glumly, and she moved away from him and hunched on the edge of the bed.

    “这么说来,你没有看到我所见到的,”艾薇塔闷闷不乐地说道。 她从他身边走开,弓着背坐在床边上。

  • 2. When the girl sat glumly, the mother was instructed not to coax her into playing, but simply describe what she was doing.


  • 3. Western officials seem glumly reconciled to another term for Mr Karzai.


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