glowering ['glauəriŋ]  


glowering  ['glauəriŋ]

adj. 怒视的;阴森森的  v. 怒视;凝视(glower的ing形式) 


She was glowering at Carlisle with a resentful expression. 她正用忿恨的神情瞪着卡莱尔。
The same is true in the current crisis for glowering corporate giants such as carmakers. 同样的真实发生在这次危机之中,大反派就是那些被千夫所指的企业巨子,比如汽车制造商们。

  • Someone who's glowering has a dark, angry expression on her face. A glowering principal marching abruptly into your classroom probably means someone's in trouble.
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  • adj. 怒视的;阴森森的
  • v. 怒视;凝视(glower的ing形式)
  • 1. She was glowering at Carlisle with a resentful expression.


  • 2. The same is true in the current crisis for glowering corporate giants such as carmakers.


  • 3. We all looked up at the glowering sky. It certainly did look like rain.


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