gloomy 英 [ˈglu:mi]   美 [ˈɡlumi]


gloomy  英 [ˈglu:mi] 美 [ˈɡlumi]

adj. 黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的 

名词复数:gloomies  比较级:gloomier  最高级:gloomiest 

Why you look so gloomy? What are you looking for? 为什么你看起来那么沮丧?你在找什么?
The master was too gloomy to seek companionship with any people, good or bad; and he is yet. 主人过去是阴郁得无法和任何人来往的;不论是好人或坏人;他现在仍然如此。

  • Gloomy means "dark and dreary." A cloudy day, a sad song about lost love, your downbeat mood after your team loses a big game — all of these can be called gloomy.
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  • adj. 黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的
  • 1. Why you look so gloomy? What are you looking for?


  • 2. The master was too gloomy to seek companionship with any people, good or bad; and he is yet.


  • 3. I was as gloomy as my models and salesgirls. “We’ll never make it,” one of them cried.


  • gloomy (adj.) 1580s, probably from gloom (n.) even though that word is not attested as early as this one. Shakespeare used it of woods, Marlowe of persons. Gloomy Gus has been used in a general sense of "sullen person" since 1902, the name of a pessimistic and defeatist newspaper comics character introduced about that time by U.S. illustrator Frederick Burr Opper. Related: Gloomily; gloominess.
gloomy / ˈɡluːmi ; NAmE ˈɡluːmi / adjective ( gloom·ier , gloomi·est ) 1 nearly dark, or badly lit in a way that makes you feel sad 黑暗的;阴暗的;幽暗的 SYN depressing a gloomy room/atmosphere 昏暗的房间;阴沉沉的气氛 It was a wet and gloomy day. 那一天下着雨,阴沉沉的。 2 sad and without hope 忧郁的;沮丧的;无望的 SYN glum a gloomy expression 沮丧的表情 We sat in gloomy silence. 我们郁郁不乐地默默坐着。 3 without much hope of success or happiness in the future 前景黯淡的;悲观的 SYN depressing a gloomy pictureof the country's economic future 该国经济前景的黯淡景象 Suddenly, the future didn't look so gloomy after all. 突然感到前途似乎并非如此黯淡。 gloom·ily / ˈɡluːmɪli ; NAmE ˈɡluːmɪli / adverb He stared gloomily at the phone. 他满脸愁容地盯着电话。 gloomi·ness / ˈɡluːminəs ; NAmE ˈɡluːminəs / noun [uncountable ] gloomy gloomier gloomiest gloomy / ˈɡluːmi ; NAmE ˈɡluːmi / gloom·ily / ˈɡluːmɪli ; NAmE ˈɡluːmɪli / gloomi·ness / ˈɡluːminəs ; NAmE ˈɡluːminəs /
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