gloomily ['glʊməli]  


gloomily  ['glʊməli]

adv. 沮丧地;黑暗地;阴沉地 

Although the IMF delivered some gloomily accurate figures about the likely cost of the US housing fiasco, it played almost no role in addressing the current crisis. 虽然国际货币基金组织给出了一些让人沮丧的精确数据,指出美国房地产崩溃可能造成的损失,但该组织在解决目前的危机方面几乎没有扮演任何角色。
“Yes, but she’s mighty liable to talk embarrassing in front of Father and the girls when we get home tonight, ” said Stuart gloomily . “对,但是今晚我们回家时,她很可能要当着父亲和姑娘们的面让我们丢脸呢,”斯图尔特闷闷不乐地说。

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  • adv. 沮丧地;黑暗地;阴沉地
  • 1. Although the IMF delivered some gloomily accurate figures about the likely cost of the US housing fiasco, it played almost no role in addressing the current crisis.


  • 2. “Yes, but she’s mighty liable to talk embarrassing in front of Father and the girls when we get home tonight, ” said Stuart gloomily .


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