glee 英 [gli:]   美 [ɡli]


glee  英 [gli:] 美 [ɡli]

n. 快乐;欢欣;重唱歌曲 


Suddenly an idea struck the clerk, and with avian glee he tottered towards the window. 突然管理员大发奇想,带着一种鸟类特有的欢欣摇摇摆摆地向窗户走去。
I’ve been toying around with Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis again, and it fills me with this nostalgic glee. 我现在又开始玩印第安纳 琼斯和大西洋国的游戏了,这让我心中充满了怀旧的喜悦。

  • If you learned that you'd won a trip for four to Disney World, it would be hard to hide your glee. Glee means extreme happiness or delight.
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  • n. 快乐;欢欣;重唱歌曲
  • 1. Suddenly an idea struck the clerk, and with avian glee he tottered towards the window.


  • 2. I’ve been toying around with Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis again, and it fills me with this nostalgic glee.

    我现在又开始玩印第安纳 琼斯和大西洋国的游戏了,这让我心中充满了怀旧的喜悦。

  • 3. We all know kids love toys — and for good reason: Not only can toys provide hours of glee, but the best playthings can also boost your baby’s cognitive and physical development.

    我们都知道,是个小孩都喜欢玩玩具。 玩具不仅仅能够带给小朋友们欢乐的时光,真正有益的玩具还有助于宝宝的生长发育和认知能力。

  • glee (n.) Old English gliu, gliw, gleow "entertainment, mirth (usually implying music); jest, play, sport," also "music" and "mockery," presumably from a Proto-Germanic *gleujam but absent in other Germanic languages except for the rare Old Norse gly "joy;" probably related to the group of Germanic words in gl- with senses of "shining; smooth; radiant; joyful" (compare glad), from PIE root *ghel- (2) "to shine." A poetry word in Old English and Middle English, obsolete c. 1500-c. 1700, it somehow found its way back to currency late 18c. In Old English, an entertainer was a gleoman (female gleo-mægden).
glee / ɡliː ; NAmE ɡliː / noun [uncountable ] a feeling of happiness, usually because sth good has happened to you, or sth bad has happened to sb else 欢喜;高兴;幸灾乐祸 SYN delight He rubbed his hands in gleeas he thought of all the money he would make. 他想到自己将赚到那么多钱就高兴得直搓手。 She couldn't disguise her glee at their embarrassment. 看到他们难堪的样子她不禁喜形于色。 glee glees glee / ɡliː ; NAmE ɡliː /
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