glaze over  

glaze over

glaze over 

phrase. (指眼睛)呆滞 

We talk so much about membership that sometimes, when a speaker begins to discuss it, you can see all the eyes in the audience begin to glaze over. 我们讨论社员发展多到有时演讲人开始谈到这点,你们就会看到所有听众的目光开始呆滞。
Her eyes glaze over when she is bored. 当无聊的时候,她的眼力变得迟钝。

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  • phrase. (指眼睛)呆滞
  • 1. We talk so much about membership that sometimes, when a speaker begins to discuss it, you can see all the eyes in the audience begin to glaze over.


  • 2. Her eyes glaze over when she is bored.


  • 3. Ru's firing, glaze over a small branch nail sticks burning.


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