
glace [ɡlæs]
adj. 糖渍的;冰冻的
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- adj. 糖渍的;冰冻的
1. Hotel De glace, Quebec, Canada
加拿大魁北克的De Glace旅馆
2. Close to Québec City is Canada’s only ice abode, the Hotel de glace, built each year on the shores of Lac St-Joseph.
加拿大唯一一座纯冰雪打造的酒店Hotel de Glace也在这附近。 该酒店建筑于圣约瑟夫湖畔,冬天才会营业。
3. It is considered a "pound" cake--with the recipe calling for a pound each of flour, dark brown sugar, butter, glace cherries, raisins, Prunes, currants, Plus a dozen eggs and flavorings.
人们把这种蛋叫作“一磅”蛋,因为制作这种蛋? 需要面粉、棕糖、黄油、糖霜樱桃、葡萄干、李子、红醋栗各一磅,加上一打鸡蛋和调味品。
- glace (adj.) "having a smooth, polished surface," as ice does, 1847, from French glacé "iced, glazed," past participle of glacer "to ice, give a gloss to," from glace "ice," from Latin glacies "ice" (probably from a suffixed form of PIE root *gel- "cold; to freeze").
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