giveaway 英 [ˈgɪvəweɪ]   美 [ˈɡɪvəˌwe]


giveaway  英 [ˈgɪvəweɪ] 美 [ˈɡɪvəˌwe]

n. 泄漏;免费样品;不正当的交易;有奖问答节目  adj. 泄露真相的;赠送的;极便宜的 


Despite its unassuming exterior, the long lines of young men waiting for entry on most weekend nights are a giveaway. 尽管外表毫不起眼,周末夜里,年轻男子组成长长的、排队等待进入的人龙却泄漏了秘密。
That’s one reason the bailout looked so much like a giveaway: officials felt they lacked the legal tools to save the financial system without letting the people who created the crisis off the hook. 救助看上去很像免费赠品就是其中原因之一:要救助金融体制而且不让那些制造危机的人们逍遥法外,官员们感到合法工具方面的缺乏。

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  • n. 泄漏;免费样品;不正当的交易;有奖问答节目
  • adj. 泄露真相的;赠送的;极便宜的
  • 1. Despite its unassuming exterior, the long lines of young men waiting for entry on most weekend nights are a giveaway.


  • 2. That’s one reason the bailout looked so much like a giveaway: officials felt they lacked the legal tools to save the financial system without letting the people who created the crisis off the hook.


  • 3. And yet attempts to fix this problem and reform this program were thwarted by special interests that fought tooth and nail to preserve their exclusive giveaway.


give·away / ˈɡɪvəweɪ ; NAmE ˈɡɪvəweɪ / noun , adjective noun ( informal) 1 something that a company gives free, usually with sth else that is for sale (公司为推销产品搭送的)随赠品 2 something that makes you guess the real truth about sth/sb 使真相暴露的事物 She pretended she wasn't excited but the expression on her face was a dead (= obvious) giveaway. 她假装不为所动,可脸上的表情却将她的心绪暴露无遗。 adjective [only before noun ] ( informal) (of prices 价格 ) very low 低廉的 give·away / ˈɡɪvəweɪ ; NAmE ˈɡɪvəweɪ /
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