geographical 英 [ˌdʒi:ə'ɡræfɪkl]   美 [ˌdʒiə'ɡræfɪkl]


geographical  英 [ˌdʒi:ə'ɡræfɪkl] 美 [ˌdʒiə'ɡræfɪkl]

adj. 地理的;地理学的 

Included in all this are features like the location tool, which breaks down search results within a particular geographical location. 所有的这些都像是定位工具的特征,打破了搜索结果在一个特定的地理学位置内。
One example of this is a big sales application in which each geographical region maintains only its own data to streamline performance. 大型销售应用程序就是这样的一个例子,其中每个地理区域仅维护本区域的数据以便简化性能。

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  • adj. 地理的;地理学的
  • 1. Included in all this are features like the location tool, which breaks down search results within a particular geographical location.


  • 2. One example of this is a big sales application in which each geographical region maintains only its own data to streamline performance.


  • 3. To satisfy this query, you must compute the geographical city center, so create a functional index that computes this value.


  • geographical (adj.) "pertaining to geography," 1550s, from Late Latin geographicus (from Greek geographikos, from geographia; see geography) + -al (1). Related: Geographically.
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