furtively ['fə:tivli]  


furtively  ['fə:tivli]

adv. 偷偷地;暗中地 

With guards right outside the room, we furtively destroyed evidence in our possession by swallowing notes and damaging videotapes. 在屋子外面有警卫,我们通过偷偷的吞咽便纸和破坏录像带来销毁我们所掌握的证据。
All the while, four-year-old Matthew was bouncing on the couch, furtively strumming the guitar he wasn’t supposed to touch and talking incessantly. 那当儿,四岁的马修一直在沙发上蹦跳,偷偷乱拨他不该碰的吉他,口里还絮絮叨叨个没完。

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  • adv. 偷偷地;暗中地
  • 1. With guards right outside the room, we furtively destroyed evidence in our possession by swallowing notes and damaging videotapes.


  • 2. All the while, four-year-old Matthew was bouncing on the couch, furtively strumming the guitar he wasn’t supposed to touch and talking incessantly.


  • 3. Up in our room, she had written Matthew’s name out in seven different types of penmanship, folded the paper furtively, tucked it into her mouth, and nestled it in the pouch of her cheek.


  • furtively (adv.) late 15c.; from furtive + -ly (2).
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