fundamentalist [,fʌndə'mɛntlɪst]  


fundamentalist  [,fʌndə'mɛntlɪst]

n. 基要主义者;信奉正统派基督教的人  adj. 基要主义的 


And I heard them. But the worse thing that a fundamentalist can do is to make you into one. 但一个原教旨主义者可以做的更糟糕的事情 是使你也成为一个原教旨主义者.
We have no more information than... what has been found on [his] own websites, which is that it goes towards the right and that it is, so to speak, Christian fundamentalist. 我们没有比......更多的信息......在(他的)网站上已被发现的东西,是倾向于右翼,那就是,可以这样说,基督教原教旨主义者。

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  • n. 基要主义者;信奉正统派基督教的人
  • adj. 基要主义的
  • 1. And I heard them. But the worse thing that a fundamentalist can do is to make you into one.

    但一个原教旨主义者可以做的更糟糕的事情 是使你也成为一个原教旨主义者.

  • 2. We have no more information than... what has been found on [his] own websites, which is that it goes towards the right and that it is, so to speak, Christian fundamentalist.


  • 3. It is true that the recent radicalization of some atheists is a response to attempts at the evangelization of public and political institutions by fundamentalist groups.

    诚然 最近一些无神论者激进的表现 是为了回应原教旨主义团体对于公众和政治机构的基督教化企图。

  • fundamentalist (adj.) 1920 in the religious sense, from fundamental + -ist. Coined in American English to name a movement among Protestants c. 1920-25 based on scriptural inerrancy, etc., and associated with William Jennings Bryan, among others. The original notion might have been of "fundamental truths."
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