full-throated 英 ['fʊlθr'əʊtɪd]   美 ['fʊlθr'oʊtɪd]


full-throated  英 ['fʊlθr'əʊtɪd] 美 ['fʊlθr'oʊtɪd]

adj. 高声喧嚷的;声音宏亮的 

More broadly, you might argue that what Obama has lacked is a theme: there hasn’t been much full-throated condemnation of the bad old ways, much vision of things being different. 更广泛地说,你可能会认为奥巴马缺乏的是一个主题:没有全面谴责糟糕的旧方式,具体是什么,不同的人有不同的见解。
He could offer full-throated or even material support to the opposition, but this would probably backfire: the regime would then be able to portray its opponents as stooges of the Great Satan. 奥巴马其实可以高声支持反对选举结果的伊朗人,或给他们提供物质帮助,但这同时也会给伊朗政府借口,称这些反对者们就是美国这类邪恶国家的帮凶,从而适得其反。

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  • adj. 高声喧嚷的;声音宏亮的
  • 1. More broadly, you might argue that what Obama has lacked is a theme: there hasn’t been much full-throated condemnation of the bad old ways, much vision of things being different.


  • 2. He could offer full-throated or even material support to the opposition, but this would probably backfire: the regime would then be able to portray its opponents as stooges of the Great Satan.


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