full marks  

full marks

full marks 

phrase. (考试等中的)满分;突出的成绩 

By this measure, Zhu deserves full marks. 这样量度,朱先生可以拿满分。
The WWF's Palm Oil Buyers' Scorecard, published on Tuesday, rates 132 mainly European companies, 29 of which received full marks, including 15 from UK such as Cadbury, Boots and Waitrose. 星期二,世界自然基金会发布了棕榈油买家的记分卡,列出了132家主要的欧洲公司,其中29家收到了完整标签(WWF为了奖励采购可持续棕榈油的公司颁发的标签),包括15家英国公司-吉百利,博姿和维特罗斯等。

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  • phrase. (考试等中的)满分;突出的成绩
  • 1. By this measure, Zhu deserves full marks.


  • 2. The WWF's Palm Oil Buyers' Scorecard, published on Tuesday, rates 132 mainly European companies, 29 of which received full marks, including 15 from UK such as Cadbury, Boots and Waitrose.


ˌfull ˈmarks / ; NAmE / noun [plural ] ( BrE) the highest mark/grade in a test, etc. (when you get nothing wrong) (成绩)满分 She got full marks in the exam. 她考试得了满分。 ( figurative) Full marks toBill for an excellent idea! (= he deserves praise) 比尔的主意极妙,值得赞扬! ˌfull ˈmarks / ; NAmE /
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