franchise 英 [ˈfræntʃaɪz] 美 [ˈfrænˌtʃaɪz]
n. 特许,特许经营权 vt. 给…以特许
进行时:franchising 过去式:franchised 过去分词:franchised 第三人称单数:franchises 名词复数:franchises
- A franchise is a right granted by a government or corporation to an individual or group of individuals. One of the most important government-issued rights — so important it's known simply as "the franchise" — is the right to vote.
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- n. 特许,特许经营权
- vt. 给…以特许
1. a franchise agreement, a franchise company
2. a catering franchise, a rail franchise
3. to operate a business under franchise
4. a burger franchise
5. They operate franchises in London and Paris.
6. universal adult franchise
7. franchised restaurants
- franchise (n.) c. 1300, fraunchise, "a special right or privilege (by grant of a sovereign or government);" also "national sovereignty; nobility of character, generosity; the king's authority; the collective rights claimed by a people or town or religious institution," also used of the state of Adam and Eve before the Fall, from Old French franchise "freedom, exemption; right, privilege" (12c.), from variant stem of franc "free" (see frank (adj.)).
- franchise (v.) late 14c., "to make free," from Old French franchiss-, past participle stem of franchir "to free" (12c.), from franc "free" (see frank (adj.)). Franchising is from 1570s; the commercial licensing sense is from 1966. Related: Franchisee; franchiser; franchisor.
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