framer ['fremɚ]  


framer  ['fremɚ]

n. 组成者;筹划者 


Shaoguan. My name's Nabil. I'm a framer from America. 韶关。我叫纳比尔。我是一个美国农民。
I do not think Turkey can be a shaper and framer of processes on its own, and we see much more cooperation or more parallels between Turkey's position and Washington position. 在我看来,土耳其还是有能力对局势发挥相当的影响力的;我们目前看到的,是土耳其和美国之间合作越来越多,立场也越来越靠近。

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  • n. 组成者;筹划者
  • 1. Shaoguan. My name's Nabil. I'm a framer from America.


  • 2. I do not think Turkey can be a shaper and framer of processes on its own, and we see much more cooperation or more parallels between Turkey's position and Washington position.


  • 3. That the great elements enter, together with their functions and the mind, through its minute parts the framer of all beings, the imperishable one.


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