fossilized ['fɔsilaizd]  


fossilized  ['fɔsilaizd]

adj. 石化的;僵化的;老化的  v. 石化(fossilize的过去式和过去分词) 

It started with a chunk of fossilized resin from the Dominican Republic. 这要从来自多米尼加共和国的一块树脂化石切片说起。
The evidence was circumstantial but compelling: a Martian meteorite recovered in the Antarctic contained what seemed to be fossilized bacteria. 证据很详尽却不能使人信服:在南极洲发现的一块火星陨石中发现了疑似生命体的石化细菌。

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  • adj. 石化的;僵化的;老化的
  • v. 石化(fossilize的过去式和过去分词)
  • 1. It started with a chunk of fossilized resin from the Dominican Republic.


  • 2. The evidence was circumstantial but compelling: a Martian meteorite recovered in the Antarctic contained what seemed to be fossilized bacteria.


  • 3. Yes, you read that correctly. Coprolites -- hunks of fossilized poop -- can reveal the diets and behaviors of ancient animals, but this one is plain weird.


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