formal 英 [ˈfɔ:ml]   美 [ˈfɔrml]


formal  英 [ˈfɔ:ml] 美 [ˈfɔrml]

adj. 正式的;正规的;形式的 


formal evening dress 晚礼服
The dinner was a formal affair. 这是正式宴会。

  • Being formal is all about being taken seriously. If you're invited to the White House, you'll want to make a good impression, so it's a good idea to adopt a generally formal demeanor. No jeans or trash talking allowed.
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  • adj. 正式的;正规的;形式的
  • 1. formal evening dress


  • 2. The dinner was a formal affair.


  • 3. formal legal processes


  • 4. to make a formal apology/complaint/request


  • 5. He has no formal teaching qualifications.


  • 6. Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter; nobody will seriously oppose it.


  • formal (adj.) late 14c., "pertaining to form or arrangement;" also, in philosophy and theology, "pertaining to the form or essence of a thing," from Old French formal, formel "formal, constituent" (13c.) and directly from Latin formalis, from forma "a form, figure, shape" (see form (n.)). From early 15c. as "in due or proper form, according to recognized form," As a noun, c. 1600 (plural) "things that are formal;" as a short way to say formal dance, recorded by 1906 among U.S. college students.
for·mal / ˈfɔːml ; NAmE ˈfɔːrml / adjective 1 (of a style of dress, speech, writing, behaviour, etc. 穿着、言语、行为等 ) very correct and suitable for official or important occasions 适合正式场合的;正规的;庄重的 formal evening dress 晚礼服 The dinner was a formal affair. 这是正式宴会。 He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike. 他使这封信保持正式公文的语气。 She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. 她的举止很是郑重其事,有可能会显得不友好。 OPP informal 2 official; following an agreed or official way of doing things 正式的;合乎规矩的 formal legal processes 正式法律程序 to make a formal apology/complaint/request 正式道歉╱投诉╱要求 Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December. 两国于十二月重新建立了正式外交关系。 It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis. 是应该把这些安排做得略为正式一点的时候了。 3 (of education or training 学校教育或培训 ) received in a school, college or university, with lessons, exams, etc, rather than gained just through practical experience 正规的 He has no formal teaching qualifications. 他没有正规的教学资历证明。 Young children are beginning their formal education sometimes as early as four years old. 幼儿有时早在四岁时就开始接受正规教育。 4 concerned with the way sth is done rather than what is done 方式上的;做法上的;形式上的 Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter; nobody will seriously oppose it. 寻求计划获得批准纯粹是一个形式上的问题,没有人会认真反对的。 Critics have concentrated too much on the formal elements of her poetry, without really looking at what it is saying. 评论家过多地集中评论她诗歌的形式,而没有真正看其内容。 5 (of a garden, room or building 花园、房间、建筑物 ) arranged in a regular manner, according to a clear, exact plan 整齐的;布置井然的 delightful formal gardens, with terraced lawns and an avenue of trees 精心布置的有片片草坪和林荫道的宜人花园 OPP informal for·mal·ly / ˈfɔːməli ; NAmE ˈfɔːrməli / adverb ‘How do you do?’ she said formally. “你好!”她拘谨地说。 The accounts were formally approved by the board. 账目已由董事会正式批准。 Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. 虽然他不是科班出身的艺术史学家,但他对这一时期的知识却普遍为人尊重。 formal formals for·mal / ˈfɔːml ; NAmE ˈfɔːrml / for·mal·ly / ˈfɔːməli ; NAmE ˈfɔːrməli /
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