forename 英 [ˈfɔ:neɪm]   美 [ˈfɔrneɪm]


forename  英 [ˈfɔ:neɪm] 美 [ˈfɔrneɪm]

n. 在姓前面的名 


contains a forename, given or baptismal name. 包含名字,教名或者洗礼名。
A personal name is also rarely an atomic token. As an example, sometimes you may want to search or sort by a forename and sometimes by a surname. 个人姓名也很少作为原子标记,比如有时候会按照名称有时候则按照姓氏排序。

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  • n. 在姓前面的名
  • 1. contains a forename, given or baptismal name.


  • 2. A personal name is also rarely an atomic token. As an example, sometimes you may want to search or sort by a forename and sometimes by a surname.


  • 3. The supreme symbol for the author is the word; the erudite Hirst in The Voyage Out has the forename St John recalling the evangelist whose opening line was ‘In the beginning was the Word’.

    文字是作家最有力的表达符号,《远航》中博学的赫斯特的教名为圣·约翰,取自感召福音的传教士之名。 他在小说中的开场白为:“语言是世界的初始”。

  • forename (n.) 1530s, from fore- + name (n.). The equivalent of Latin praenomen. Old English had forenama. Middle English had fore-named in the sense "mentioned before" (c. 1200).
fore·name / ˈfɔːneɪm ; NAmE ˈfɔːrneɪm / noun ( formal) a person's first name rather than the name that they share with the other members of their family (= their surname) Please check that your surname and forenames have been correctly entered. 请核对你的姓名已正确输入。 forename forenames fore·name / ˈfɔːneɪm ; NAmE ˈfɔːrneɪm /
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